Helpful Links and Resources

Below you will find a list of links that we hope will help you to understand wind energy and to help explain it to your classes. If you find a useful resource that we don't have listed here, please tell Hope so she can share it with others!

About our turbines:

Gaia-wind 11 kw turbines

Explaining Wind Energy to Children

Weather Wiz Kids has a great page dedicated to wind as well as several other pages which describe many other type of weather is easy to understand language.

Kids & Energy This website does a great job of explaining what wind is and the different types of wind mills used to generate electricity.

Aliant Energy Kids. This is an American website with great resources for kids and an excellent diagram of the working parts of a turbine.

Explaining Most Types of Energy to Children

The National Energy Education Development Project (NEED) is another American site with great sections for educators and students. There are many suggestions for practical activities which are available for download.

Children's University of Manchester. This website gives a great description about both renewable and non-renewable sources of electricity. It also presents the advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of electricity.

Hi-Energy - from the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. They have a great education page with excellent downloads available on the right side of the home page.

PDF Downloads

Gaia-Wind company brochure The company brochure has lovely picture, explains the benefits of the turbine and has a couple of excellent diagrams explaining he importance of the size of the blades.

Renewable UK, formerly British Wind Energy Association, put together this fantastic School Children's Pack complete with great activities.

NEED's (see above) Wonders of Wind educators pack is full of excellent activities for teaching primary aged children about wind and harnessing the power of wind. At 5.1 mb it is a LARGE FILE, so please download bearing that in mind.


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